Shiokawa Cowboy Yamahai

Availability: In stock

Class: Junmai Ginjo

Size: 720 ML

ABV:  16.9%

Rice: Niigata Shuzo Kotekimai

Rice Polishing Ratio: 60%

Brewery Location: Shiokawa, Nihon (Japan)

Suggested Pairings: All Meats

Aromas of vanilla, cocoa and hickory smoke with a smooth finish

Shiokawa is located in Niigata but bucks the trend of the “Tanrei Karakuchi” (light &dry) style the region is so famous for. Get it? Bucks. They call me pun dog. This tiny brewery is almost completely operated by one person; Toji brewer/president Shiokawa. Although he has a seasonal helper but otherwise works on his own.

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